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11 results tagged
AnkhSVN - Subversion Support / SCC Provider extension
Aug 08, 2013
DotSVN - The .Net port of Subversion
Mono Tools for Visual Studio @ SharpToolbox - .NET tools, components, libraries and add-ins - DotNet tools
Microsoft Code Analysis 2019 - Visual Studio Marketplace
GitHub - icsharpcode/CodeConverter: Convert code from C# to VB.NET and vice versa using Roslyn
Visual Studio Online is Now Visual Studio Team Services!
gource - software version control visualization - Google Project Hosting
Jun 17, 2013
tortoisegit - Project Hosting on Google Code
Migrating from Subversion to Git on Bitbucket - Atlassian OnDemand
Free Mac client for Git, Mercurial and SVN - Atlassian SourceTree
Rerere Your Boat...
Gogs - Go Git Service - a painless self-hosted Git service
Migrating from Subversion to Git on Bitbucket - Atlassian OnDemand
Apr 23, 2013
gource - software version control visualization - Google Project Hosting
WordPress › Convert Address to Google Maps Link « WordPress Plugins
Any Video Converter is a professional video converter which can convert any format video files with fast speed and excellent video quality.
TimeSpan.FromSeconds Method
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
Oct 10, 2011
DotSVN - The .Net port of Subversion
Take a tour of InDefero bug tracking, code review
Open Source Code Search Engine - Koders
Open source C# project hosting web application
Sep 02, 2011
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
c# - Killing gracefully a .NET Core daemon running on Linux - Stack Overflow
Little Ubuntu » Awesome Ubuntu/Linux Apps you might not know about
Little Ubuntu » Awesome Ubuntu/Linux Apps you might not know about V2
Take a tour of InDefero bug tracking, code review
Sep 14, 2009
mtrack - software development tracker
DotSVN - The .Net port of Subversion
index - haXe
Open source C# project hosting web application
The Go Programming Language
DotSVN - The .Net port of Subversion
Feb 16, 2009
Open Source Software in C#
Open Source Code Search Engine - Koders
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
Take a tour of InDefero bug tracking, code review
Open source C# project hosting web application
Open source C# project hosting web application
Nov 07, 2007
Open Source Software in C#
DotSVN - The .Net port of Subversion
Take a tour of InDefero bug tracking, code review
Form Tools
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
Hack Attack: How to set up a personal home Subversion server
Oct 16, 2007
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
CodeProject: Visual Representation of SQL Joins. Free source code and programming help
AnkhSVN - Subversion Support / SCC Provider extension
How To: Set Up VNC on Ubuntu in Four Steps
AnkhSVN Wiki Home - AnkhSVN Wiki
May 25, 2007
Hack Attack: How to set up a personal home Subversion server
AnkhSVN - Subversion Support / SCC Provider extension
CollabNet-certified Apache™ Subversion® distributions - Overview
Migrating from Subversion to Git on Bitbucket - Atlassian OnDemand
SQL Server database versioning with Subversion (SVN)
Oct 17, 2006
CodeProject: Automatic Script SQL Server 2005 Objects and Commit under Subversion. Free source code and programming help
CodeProject: A SQL Management Console for MSSQL 2000 & 2005, MySQL 5.0,.... Free source code and programming help
CodeProject: Introduction to ADO.NET Sync Services. Free source code and programming help
CodeProject: SQL Server to SQL Server Compact Edition Database Copy Utility. Free source code and programming help
SQL Buddy - Web based MySQL administration
2642 links